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By appointment near Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, Uk or online

To schedule an appointment please contact Faye on the contact  form

Deep relaxation and healing in equal doses and different forms, Faye offers a range of therapies:

Full descriptions are under their own tabs

Price guideline

Half hour: £35

45 minutes: £50

Hour: £65

Hour & Half: £80

2 hours: £90/£110

3 hours £150

24 hour Nurturing Holding & Healing Retreat £250


Please speak to her if you are on a reduced or no income, she does not turn people away, She is open to exchanges and paying what you can a. 

Faye often holds online 'Pay what you can afford' mornings/days

Check her FB group out where she keeps you updated with all her events and offers:


Please use the contact form and Faye will contact you for a free, no obligation consultation

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